
Hopkins (1909) reported that female southern pine beetles possess a transverse ridge or callus across the anterior area of the pronotum, while males have no such structure. He attached no further significance to the morphological feature. The characteristic was subsequently mentioned by Lyon (1958) and Wood (1963), among others. Dissection of 100 insects by Osgood and Clark (1963) revealed that the ridge was 100% accurate for sexing the species. It is the purpose here to show that the ridge represents the external evidence of a mycangium reported by Francke-Grosmann (1965).

To read the full article please visit the link below:

BARRAS, SJ. 1967. “THORACIC MYCANGIUM OF DENDROCTONUS FRONTALIS (COLEOPTERA -SCOLYTIDAE) IS SYNONYMOUS WITH A SECONDARY FEMALE CHARACTER.” Annals of the Entomological Society of America60 (2): 486-. https://doi.org/10.1093/aesa/60.2.486.